
How we work


Collaboration is an integral component of our organization.

It shapes how we work and how we empower others.


Consulting Services

Each member of Erupt brings a unique set of skills and experiences to the services we provide to your practice. Some projects will involve multiple team members and others will be with your personal practice consultant. Your personal consultant is there when you need them, ensuring you always know who to reach out to when you need help!


Growth strategy Anatomy

Achieving a hospital’s goals can be complicated and overwhelming but by sharing aspects of the project, it becomes much easier to overcome hurdles and keep moving from ambition to reality. Here’s how it works:

Some practice owners have a clear goal for the upcoming year and some have a stressor they would just like gone. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, we are here to help.


Data analytics

What is the difference between describing how and explaining why? To describe how means to reconstruct the series of specific events that led from one point to another. To explain why means to find causal connections that account for the occurrence of the particular series of events to the exclusion of all others.
— Yuval Noah Harari

We believe that data is the foundation of decision making and finding new solutions. Data analytics stands as the bedrock for efficiently reaching goals and objectives. It uses descriptive (qualitative) and mathematical (quantitative) information, techniques and processes to collect, inspect, clean, transform, and model data with the purpose of understanding a problem and why it exists. In discovering the cause — the why — the process lends itself to evidence-based problem solving.


Online and Onsite

We don’t have a head office for a reason — we want to be where you need us to be! Whether it is in your practice, on the phone, or on zoom, we are here for you.