Practice Owners

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Transition Planning

You don’t have to be ready to retire to start building a transition plan. The sooner you start, the better. We help you understand your options, prioritize your goals, set your timeline and plan your exit from ownership, no matter what stage you’re in!


Hospital Valuation

A hospital’s value is more that a multiple of EBITDA (profit). It is a combination of return on investment, performance in the market, demographics, competition, care guidelines and operations systems, growth potential, and its team! Almost all of the factors that impact value can be improved. This is why hospital valuation is often the first step for transition planning, implementing growth strategies or improving practice performance.


Strategic Growth

When we combine our knowledge, experience and resources, we have the ability to achieve greater growth goals with a lot less stress and fewer growing pains than if we were to attempt them alone. We understand that practice owners and managers have the best knowledge of their hospital, their team, their clients, and what they love to do in the practice. We help you get from idea to outcome without the growing pains.

A few key growth areas include:

  • Improving hospital efficiency — Inventory management, patient flow through the practice, team utilization

  • Growing revenue through improved compliance, reduced referrals, additional veterinary services or increasing active and new clients

  • Deciding where to re-invest back into the practice. We help practice owners assess the opportunity and risk associated with investing in new equipment, staff, hospital renovation or a new building

  • Building compensation models that focus on rewarding the entire team for their shared contribution to hospital growth


Budgeting, Benchmarks + Performance Accountability

Without an accountability buddy, it can be hard to accomplish goals that aren’t already part of your regular routine. It’s our job to be that accountability buddy!

Together, we build a hospital budget, create benchmark goals that fit your hospital (rather than chasing national averages), and check in monthly, or quarterly, to review performance. This gives you time to make any necessary adjustments to hospital operations before little problems turn into big ones. And, when a new opportunity presents itself, like a possible new hire or vendor promotion, we help you answer questions like: “Can I afford this?” or “What what would I need to do to make this affordable?”

Whether you’re starting from the beginning or interested in improving on your current system, we make checking in on the health of your whole practice a seamless part of your routine.


Market Driven Growth and Pricing Strategies

Improving how your practice serves its community begins with how well your practice understands its community. We use market analysis to help practices better understand the community they serve, their performance in that community and how the community is changing. Here are a few places a better understanding of your community can improve hospital performance:

  • Hiring strategies

  • Understanding and removing barriers to care

  • Market-based pricing strategies

  • Discovering new niches